Thanks in advance for your support! Below are some easy prepacks to get the locker room, pool and golf shop stocked up. Please pass long to the people responsible for ordering for these areas of the club!
#CT130 546
24 units / Sport SPF 30 Spray / 6oz 12 units / Sport SPF 30 Lotion / 3oz 72 units / Sport SPF 30 Lotion / 1oz 1 unit / Counter Top Display
Wholesale / $546
#CT120 -525
24 units/ sport 50 spray
12 units /sport 30 spray
12 units /white 50 spray
12 units/ white 30 spray
Wholesale: $525
12 Per Box
POOOL100- 678
12 Kids SPF 50 Spray
12 Kids SPF 50 Lotion
12 Tanning Oil spf6
12 White Collection SPF 50 Spray
12 White collection SPF 30 Spray
12 White Collection SPF 50 Lotion
12 SPORT SPF 30 Lotion
FB30 or FB50
36 units of 1oz lotion 30spf or 50 spf
#CT140 - 708
12 units / Sport SPF 30 Spray / 6oz
12 units / Sport SPF 50 Spray / 6oz
12 units / Sport SPF 30 Lotion / 3oz
12 units / Sport SPF 50 Lotion / 3oz
36 units / Sport Natural Lip Balm / .15oz 36 units / Sport Medicated Lip Balm / .15oz 1 unit / Counter Top Display
1 unit / Lip Balm Display
Wholesale / $708.00
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